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Increase your Winrate
Whether you are looking to move up in stakes, increase your confidence or add excitement to your poker grind, timing tells are an excellent tool to accomplish all of the above. With TimeMojo you can increase your win-rate, protect yourself from being exploited by others and be a part of the latest edge in online poker! Read about all of TimeMojo’s features here: TimeMojo Features
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Smooth Timing HUD
TimeMojo is performance optimized for a smooth HUD system.
Powerful HUD Popup
Form powerful timing tells on your opponents without the tedious task of taking notes! Just run TimeMojo while you play and watch your opponents HUD popups fill with valuable information. The HUD popup features average times to help determine whether your opponents timing is fast or slow and advanced timing stats to help determine your opponents hand strength.
Easy Integration
Move the timing HUDs wherever you want and TimeMojo will save their positions for all and future tables. Customize the timing HUD colors, font, style and size in the TimeMojo settings menu. Remove excess clutter by having the timing HUDs disappear whenever an opponent folds.
Recall past Timings
Lookup previously played hands and view their action timings.
Powerful Timing Tell Trends
Over the past several months we have been collecting volunteered timing hand histories from TimeMojo users. With these, we have done analysis of certain trends over the entire player pool of each stake available. Increase your winrate today by adding these simple tells to your game: TimeMojo Timing Tell Studies
Download your Free 7 Day TimeMojo Trial
TimeMojo works on all PokerStars versions and Full Tilt Poker.
Overview: (HUD Options / Launch Active Player Details Window)
How do I use the Active Player Detail Window?
The Active Player Details window is key to evaluating players and searching for tendencies to exploit. There are two ways to see the Active Player Details window:
- Within Holdem Manager, right click on any player name anywhere in the application and you will get a Popup Player Details Window.
- If you are currently playing, look in HUD Options > Launch Active Players Detail Window. This view shows every player that you are currently playing against and allows you to easily jump between players to get their detail view up.
- IP (In Position e.g. Last to Act)
- OOP (Out of Position i.e. 1st to act)
When you launch the tool you should see the following window:
Stats Overview
Section A: This section allows you to apply some filters including filtering stats on the number of players at the table, switching between Cash and Tourney stats and selecting a date range.
Section B: Along this section you have total # hands, total winnings and bb/100 (# big blinds won per 100 hands)
Section C:
VPIP (Voluntarily put money into the pot.Folding Big Blind doesn't count.
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(% of time player raises preflop)3Bet (% of time player raises another raiser preflop)
Squeeze (% of time player raises preflop when a previous player has raised and one or more players has called)
Cold Call (This is when you’re facing a raise and you just call preflop. Also known as Call Open) Section D:
SB vs Steal: Fold / Call / Raise %’s when player is in Small Blind and facing a steal
BB vs Steal: Fold / Call / Raise %’s when player is in Big Blind and facing a steal
vs 3bet: Fold / Call / Raise %’s when player has been 3Bet
vs 4bet: Fold / Call / Raise %’s when the player has been 4bet Section E:
vs Flop Cbet: Fold / Call / Raise %’s when player is facing a Flop Continuation Bet
vs Turn Cbet: Fold / Call / Raise %’s when player is facing a Turn Continuation Bet (Double Barrel)
vs Turn Cbet: Fold / Call / Raise %’s when player is facing a River Continuation Bet (River CBets are not very common because the following needs to happen: A player raises preflop and is called. He then bets the flop and is called. He then bets the turn and is called. He then bets the River. Any other sequence of events and the vs River CBet opportunity would not occur.
Flop Cbet: How often he cbet's the flop
Turn Cbet: How often he double barrels the turn
River Cbet: How often he triple barrels the river Section F:
After Check: Fold / Call / Raise %’s after the player Checks
Vs Bet (IP): Fold / Call / Raise %’s when he’s facing a bet but is last to act (is in position)
Vs Raise: Fold / Call / Raise %’s when he's facing a raise
Vs Reraise: Fold / Call / Raise %’s when he's facing a re-raise
These numbers are a combination of all postflop streets.
Bet UO (IP): Bet UO (IP) which shows how often he bets when it is checked to him and the second number in brackets shows the same but only when he is last to act on the street. Again this is a combination of all postflop streets.
Agg (Agg%): Aggression Factor which shows (Total Bets + Total Raises) / (Total Calls). In brackets you have Aggression % which shows the % of time he makes an aggressive move on a postflop street (Bet / Raise / Check Raise etc). The second number is often a better indicator of real aggression.
The bottom section is where you get a lot of power when evaluating other players (and yourself). It is split into 6 tabs.
Player Analysis
This Player Analysis section below analyzes a very large sample of 6max no limit hands and determines if a particular stat is either very low, low, high or very high. It has the potential to highlight weaknesses in your game and the villain's game that can be taken advantage of. Low or very low stats are highlighted in green and high or very high stats are highlighted in red. If a stat is neither high nor low then it will not be shown here as that is considered normal and not as exploitable.
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Preflop By Position
Section 1:
This section shows the players VPIP and PFR from each position against each time of preceding action. So the first column shows how he behaves from each position when nobody has entered the pot.
The second column shows how he behaves when one or more limpers have entered the pot. The third column shows how he behaves when facing a raiser and the fourth column shows how he behaves against 2 or more raisers preflop i.e. 3bet/4bet/5bet
Well look at the 8 scenarios highlighted to explain how it works:
A) This indicates his VPIP is 16 and his PFR is 13 when he's in Middle Position and the pot is unopened
B) This indicates his VPIP is 27 and his PFR is 10 when he's in the Small Blind and there is 1 or more limpers in the pot
C) This indicates his VPIP is 21 and his PFR is 8 when he's in the Cutoff and hes facing 1 raise
D) This indicates his VPIP is 36 and his PFR is 18 when he's in the BB and facing a 3bet, 4bet or 5bet
Section 2:
This section shows the players 3bet%/call% from each position when in position and out of position
E) This indicates his 3Bet % is 6 and his Call % is 18 when he's in middle position and he's in position
F) This indicates his 3Bet % is 5 and his Call % is 33 when he's in the cutoff and he's out of position
Section 3:
This section shows the players 4bet%/call%/fold% from each position when he's facing a 3bet and the 3bet is In Position or out of position.
G) This indicates his 4Bet % is 29 and his Call % is 57% and his fold % is 14% when he's in early position and the 3better is in position.
H) This indicates his 4Bet % is 50 and his Call % is 25% and his fold % is 25% when he's in early position and the 3better is out of position.
Preflop Cards
Here you can see the breakdown of known cards when the player has 3bet, called a 3bet, 4bet, called a 4bet, and limp reraised. The numbers above each section in brackets refer to the sample size THAT WENT TO SHOWDOWN. Each hand is represented by a colour and also a %. The darker the colour the bigger the %.
Keep in mind not many 3bet/4bet hands get to showdown so we need a decent sample size to make a credible decision based on this but it can be very useful with good sample sizes to try and put an opponent on a range. You must click the applicable button to see the results. QQ,KK,AA,AK Frequency at the bottom of the window indicates the % of time he 3bets and has AK, QQ+ but again remember this is the hands that get showdown.
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This tab shows various stats based on patterns / conditions. First take a look at the actual stat breakdown for each row because this is consistent across every section of the postflop tab.
Section A:
Bet UO - how often he bets when nobody has yet bet (Unopened Pot)
Bet IP - The second shows the same stat but limited to situations where everyone has checked to him and he is last to act.
Section B:
Shows how he behaves after checking and then facing a bet – the three numbers are Fold % / Call % / Raise %
Section C:
Shows how he behaves against a bet when he has position on the bettor – the three numbers are Fold % / Call % / Raise %
Section D:
The vs Raise section shows the breakdown of Fold, Call and Raise % when his bet is raised
Section E:
Vs Reraise likewise has the same breakdown of Fold, Call and Raise % when his raise is reraised(3bet)
Section F:
Agg - Aggression factor is calculated (Bet + Raise) / Call, checking or folding has no effect
Agg% - Aggression percentage can be anything from 0-100 and is based on an aggressive action on each street. So if I bet the turn and the river but check the flop I would have 66% Agg Pct because I made 2 out of 3 aggressive actions.
The Default view of this tab breaks this down between Overall, Flop, Turn and River. This in itself is a powerful breakdown of stats but it gets a lot better.
The Flop Detail view shows this same breakdown using Limped Flop (a flop where there were no raisers preflop), Flop as PFR (pre flop raiser), Flop vs PFR, Flop as 3 Bettor, Flop vs 3Bettor, Flop as 4 Bettor, Flop vs 4 Bettor, Flop when calling 2 preflop raisers, Flop when raising two preflop raisers, flop as the limp reraiser. You want to know how often a player check folds Out Of Position against the guy who 3bet him? Just look at the F% under “After Check” in the vs 3 Bettor row.
The CBet / vs CBet view shows you stats for Could CBet Flop, Could CBet Turn, Could CBet River, Facing CBet Flop, Facing CBet Turn, Facing CBet River.
The After Raise view shows stats for Turn after a flop Check Raise, River after a Turn Check Raise, Turn after a Flop Raise and River after a Turn Raise.
The After Missed CBet view shows stats for Turn after skipping Flop CBet IP, River after skipping Turn CBet IP, Flop IP vs skipped CBet, Turn IP vs skipped CBet, River IP vs skipped CBet, Turn OOP vs skipped Flop Cbet, River OOP vs skipped Turn CBet.
Turn after skipping Flop CBet IP: The player was the preflop raiser and is last to act. He had a chance to CBet the Flop but did not. This shows how he behaved on the Turn.
Flop IP vs skipped CBet: The player called a raise preflop and it last to act on the flop. The preflop raiser has checked on the Flop. This shows what he did on the flop.
Turn OOP vs skipped Flop CBet: The player called a raise preflop and checks the Flop. The preflop raiser also checks the flop. This shows what he did on the turn.
The Notes tab where you can see, add, edit or delete player notes. When you create notes the notes will be available on the HUD. Players in the HUD that have notes will have a “*” before their name in the HUD. Mouse over the “*” and you will see all of the notes.
When you add notes the notes will appear on the next hand in the HUD.
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The last tab is the Big Hands tab and this is very powerful. By default is will show the last x number of hands where the player won or lost 20 BB’s although this is configurable. It will show hand details, betting action and even let you replay one (or all) of the hands. By seeing how players are playing some of their big hands and making them easily available you can create some pretty amazing notes. You need to click on the Get last buttons for it to retrieve the hands for you.
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Once you become familiar with the popup player details you will find it to be a huge asset and it is a good idea to launch the Active Player Details Window when you are playing and simply minimize it. If you need to consult the window for a difficult decision or would like to quickly see what types of hands a particular fish is getting stacked with then just click on the minimized window. You’ll always have this detail a couple of clicks away.